Welcome letter

Dear colleagues,

It is my special honor and pleasure to invite you to the 10th jubilee Congress of the Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation with international participation, which will be held from 12 to 15 October 2023 in Zagreb. After thirty years of continuous activity of the Society and nine congresses that we held throughout our beautiful homeland, we are returning to Zagreb again, the place of the 1st congress of our Society, thus rounding off a cycle of truly rich educational activities of the Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. Current topics from all areas of nephrology will be presented at the Congress, with lecturers from Croatia and abroad, which we will try to present in a new and comprehensive way, emphasizing news, but also numerous dilemmas from everyday work, which we will discuss through plenary lectures, round tables and debates.

The Section of Young Nephrologists of the Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation will be presented for the first time at the congress with a pre-congress symposium. Nevertheless, a significant part of the Congress will be devoted to the presentation of your own scientific and professional work, and we invite you to contribute to the quality of the Congress with your active participation.

operation between nephrologists and nurses and technicians is crucial for comprehensive nephrology care, which is why I am particularly pleased to announce that the 6th Symposium of the Croatian Society of Nurses and Technicians in Nephrology will be held during the Congress.

Thirty years of continuous activities of the Society is a significant jubilee, which I hope we will celebrate together.

Welcome to the 10th jubilee congress in Zagreb!


Associate professor Mario Laganović, MD, PhD
President of the Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation

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